Installing the ready4 framework foundation library
The ready4 framework foundation is the first ready4 library you should install.
The ready4 framework foundation is the first ready4 library you should install.
ready4 provides a template to facilitate modular implementation of health economic models.
Releases of foundation and authoring tools libraries to implement the ready4 framework.
Methods are associated with ready4 modules using a novel syntax.
ready4 includes tools that can help maintain the documentation website for a modelling project.
ready4 uses an object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm to implement computational models.
Online open access data repositories are the preferred storage locations for ready4 model datasets.
There are two types of framework libraries - a foundational library and libraries of authoring tools.
The ready4 framework is introduced in an article from the PharmacoEconomics journal.
Announcing the first CRAN release of the ready4 library.
Announcing the introduction of a novel approach to developing modular models with a simple, consistent syntax.