Costing health economic datasets is an activity that can involve repeated use of lookup tables. This tutorial describes how a module from the costly R package can help you to use a combination of fuzzy logic and correspondence tables to standardise variable values and thus facilitate partial automation of costing algorithms.
Pairing a dataset with its dictionary makes it easier to interpret. This tutorial describes how a module from the ready4use R package can help you to pair a dataset and its dictionary.
This tutorial describes how a module from the costly R package can help you to use lookup codes to standardise variable values and thus facilitate partial automation of costing algorithms.
Appending appropriate metadata to datasets of individual unit records can facilitate partial automation of some modelling tasks. This tutorial describes how a module from the youthvars R package can help you to add metadata to a youth mental health dataset so that it can be more readily used by other ready4 modules.
Vector based classes can be used to help validate variable values. This tutorial describes how to do that with sub-module classes exported as part of the youthvars R package.
The ready4use R package provides tools for supplying data to model modules.
The retrieval and dissemination of data from online data repositories is an essential enabler of open source modelling. This tutorial describes how a module from the ready4use R package can help you to manage this process.