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Use modules of health economic models to implement repeatable research

ready4 software framework libraries provide tools for finding reusable modules of health economic models, supplying them with compatible data and authoring reproducible analysis scripts.

1 - Finding modules of health economic models

The ready4 library provides tools to help retrieve details of model module collections and documentation on individual model modules.

1.1 - Find themed collections of ready4 modules

Tools from the ready4 R library can help find details about module libraries from a modelling project.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4 library. You can use the following links to:


To use and combine health economic model modules it is first useful to find modules that have been developed using a common framework that promotes inter-operability.


A table summarising currently available module libraries authored with the ready4 framework within a specified GitHub organisation can be retrieved from an online dataset by using the get_libraries_tb and update_libraries_tb functions.


In the below example we will search for modules from the readyforwhatsnext model. The source code for these modules all reside in the ready4-dev GitHub repository. The value supplied to the gh_repo_1L_chr argument specifies the repository in which a dataset of readyforwhatsnext module libraries is stored.

libraries_tb <- get_libraries_tb(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4") %>% update_libraries_tb(include_1L_chr = "modules", url_stub_1L_chr = "")

In this example, module libraries have been grouped in to the following thematic model “sections”.

libraries_tb$Section %>% unique()
#> [1] "People"   "Places"   "Programs"

We can use the print_packages function to display a HTML summary of the module libraries currently available for each section. The resulting table summarises the types of module library (e.g. those for description, developing models or predicting with models), the name and purpose of those libraries, the locations from which development and archived library code can be downloaded and details of supporting documentation for each library (e.g. website, manuals and examples).

print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "People"))
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Describe and Validate Youth Mental Health Dataset Variables Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 12, 13
Score Multi-Attribute Utility Instruments Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 14, 15
Model Youth Choice Behaviours Citation , Website , Citation Dev , Archive
Implement Transfer to Utility Mapping Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 16
Explore and Characterise Heterogeneity in Quality of Life Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Specify Models to Solve Inverse Problems Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 17
Transform Youth Outcomes to Health Utility Predictions Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 18
print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "Places"))
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Model Australian Spatial Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Model Spatial Features of Health Systems Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "Programs"))
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Undertake Health Economic Budget Impact Analysis. Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Develop, Use and Share Unit Cost Datasets for Health Economic Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 19, 20

Details of how to search for details on individual modules is described in another article.

1.2 - Find examples of how model modules are used

Tools from the ready4 R library can help find details about the use of individual model modules.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4 library. You can use the following links to:


To use and combine health economic model modules it is first useful to find modules that have been developed using a common framework that promotes inter-operability.


A table summarising currently available module libraries authored with the ready4 framework within a specified GitHub organisation can be retrieved from an online dataset by using the get_libraries_tb and update_libraries_tb functions.


In the below example we will search for modules from the readyforwhatsnext model. The source code for these modules all reside in the ready4-dev GitHub repository. The value supplied to the gh_repo_1L_chr argument specifies the repository in which a dataset of readyforwhatsnext module libraries is stored.

libraries_tb <- get_libraries_tb(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4") %>% update_libraries_tb(include_1L_chr = "modules", url_stub_1L_chr = "")

In this example, module libraries have been grouped in to the following thematic model “sections”.

libraries_tb$Section %>% unique()
#> [1] "People"   "Places"   "Programs"

We can use the print_packages function to display a HTML summary of the module libraries currently available for each section. The resulting table summarises the types of module library (e.g. those for description, developing models or predicting with models), the name and purpose of those libraries, the locations from which development and archived library code can be downloaded and details of supporting documentation for each library (e.g. website, manuals and examples).

print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "People"))
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Describe and Validate Youth Mental Health Dataset Variables Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 12, 13
Score Multi-Attribute Utility Instruments Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 14, 15
Model Youth Choice Behaviours Citation , Website , Citation Dev , Archive
Implement Transfer to Utility Mapping Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 16
Explore and Characterise Heterogeneity in Quality of Life Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Specify Models to Solve Inverse Problems Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 17
Transform Youth Outcomes to Health Utility Predictions Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 18
print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "Places"))
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Model Australian Spatial Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Model Spatial Features of Health Systems Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "Programs"))
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Undertake Health Economic Budget Impact Analysis. Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Develop, Use and Share Unit Cost Datasets for Health Economic Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 19, 20

Details of how to search for details on individual modules is described in another article.

2 - Ingest, label and share model data

The ready4use R package provides tools for supplying data to model modules.

2.1 - Ingest data from an open access repository

A tutorial from the Acumen website about using ready4 to search and retrieve data from the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse.

This below section renders a R Markdown program from the Acumen website. You can use the following links to:

1. Objectives

On completion of this tutorial you should be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts relating to the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection; and

  • Have the ability to search for, download and ingest files contained in Dataverse Datasets that are linked to by the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection using two alternative approaches;

    • Using a web based interface; and
    • Using R commands.

2. Prerequisites

You can complete most of this tutorial without any specialist skills or software other than having a web-browser connected to the Internet. However, if you wish to try running the R code for finding and downloading files described in the last part of the tutorial, then you must have R (and ideally RStudio as well) installed on your machine. Instructions for how to install this software are available at .

3. Concepts

Before searching for or retrieving data from the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection, the following concepts are useful to understand:

  • The Dataverse Project is “an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data.” It is developed at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS). More information about the project is available on the Dataverse Project’s website.

  • There are many Dataverse Installations around the world (85 at the time of writing this tutorial). Each Dataverse Installation is an instance of an organisation installing the Dataverse Project’s software on its own servers to create and manage online data repositories. At the time of writing there is one Australian Dataverse Installation listed on the Dataverse Project’s website, which is the Australian Data Archive.

  • The Harvard Dataverse is a Dataverse Installation that is managed by Harvard University, that is open to researchers from all disciplines from anywhere in the world. More details are available from its website.

  • A Dataverse Collection (frequently and confusingly also referred to as simply a “Dataverse”) is a part of a Dataverse Installation that a user can set up to host multiple “Dataverse Datasets” (see next bullet point). Dataverse Collections typically share common attributes (for example, are in the same topic area or produced by the same group(s) of researchers) and can be branded to a limited degree. Dataverse Collections will also contain descriptive metadata about the purpose and ownership of the collection.

  • A Dataverse Dataset is a uniquely identified collection of files (some of which, again confusingly, can be tabular data files of the type that researchers typically refer to as “datasets”) within a Dataverse Collection. Each Dataverse Dataset will have a name, a Digital Object Identifier, a version number, citation information and details of the licensing/terms of use that apply to its contents.

  • A Linked Dataverse Dataset is a Dataverse Dataset that appears in a Dataverse Collection’s list of contents without actually being in that Dataverse Collection (it is hosted in another Dataverse Collection and is potentially owned and controlled by another user).

  • The Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection (which we will refer to as “our Dataverse Collection”) is a Dataverse Collection of Linked Dataverse Datasets within the Harvard Dataverse. We established our Dataverse Collection in the Harvard Dataverse because of the robustness and flexibility that this service provides. A factor in our choice of the Harvard Dataverse was that the aim of our Dataverse Collection is to promote easy access to non-confidential data relevant to modelling Australian mental health policy and service planning topics. The non-confidential nature of the data means that the additional administrative requirements that some other Dataverse Installations place on users were potentially unnecessary for our specific purposes. As a collection of Linked Dataverse Datasets, our Dataverse Collection can be used by modelling groups as both a centralised location to find relevant data and as an additional promotion / distribution channel to share Dataverse Datasets from their own Harvard Dataverse Collections without surrendering any control over the management of their data (they continue to curate their Dataverse Dataset and can modify Dataverse Dataset contents, metadata and terms of use as they see fit).

3. Search and download dataset files

There are multiple options for searching and downloading files contained in our Dataverse Collection. This tutorial will discuss just two - one based on using a web browser and the other based on using R commands. For details on other options, it is recommended to consult the Harvard Dataverse user guide and (for more technical readers) api guide.

3.1. Web browser approach

Searching and retriving data from our Dataverse Collection via a web-browser is very simple, and this methods is suitable for low volume requests (i.e. occasional use) where reproducibility is not important.

To find and download data using your web browser, implement the following steps:

  • Go to our Dataverse Collection at

  • Search for the Linked Dataverse Dataset most of interest to you by using the tools provided on the landing page.

  • Click on the link to your selected Dataverse Dataset. Note that by doing so you will leave our Dataverse Collection and be taken to the Dataverse Collection controlled by the Dataverse Dataset’s owner.

  • (Optional) - Click on the “Metadata”, “Terms” and “Versions” tabs or (if available) the Related Publication links to discover more about the dataset. When you are done, click on the “Files” tab to review the files contained in the Dataverse Dataset.

  • Select the files that you wish to download using the checkboxes and click on the “Download” button.

  • When prompted, review any terms of use you are presented with and either accept them or cancel the download as you feel appropriate.

More detail on some of the above steps is available in the following section of the Harvard Dataverse user guide:

3.2 Using R commands

Some limitations of relying purely on a web-browser are that it is a purely manual approach that can become inefficient for large number of data requests and which is not reproducible (thereby limiting transparency about the specific data items / versions used in an analysis). It can therefore be desirable to explore alternatives that are based on programming commands. Programmatic approaches have the advantage of being more readily incorporated into automated and reproducible workflows.

There are a range of software tools in different languages that can be used to programmatically search and retrieve files in Dataverse Collections. More information on these resources on a dedicated page within the Dataverse Project’s documentation.

One of these tools is dataverse - “the R Client for Dataverse Repositories”. The dataverse R package has a range of functions that are very helpful for general tasks relating to the search and retrieval of files contained in Dataverse Datasets. These functions are not the focus of this tutorial, but you can read more about them on the [packages documentation website]((

The remainder of this tutorial is focused on the use of another R package called ready4use which created by Orygen to help manage open-source data for use in mental health models. The ready4use R package extends the dataverse R package and one of its applications is to ingest R objects stored in Dataverse Datasets in the “.Rds” file format directly into an R Session’s working memory. More information about ready4use is available on its documentation website.

3.2.1 Install and load required R packages

As ready4use is still a development package, you may need to first install the devtools package to help install it. The following commands entered in your R console will do this.


We now load the ready4use package and the ready4 framework for youth mental health modelling that it depends on. The ready4 framework will have been automatically installed along with ready4use.

3.2.2 Specify repository details

The next step is to create a Ready4useRepos object, which in this example we will call X, that contains the details of the Dataverse Dataset from which we wish to retrieve R objects. We need to supply three pieces of information to Ready4useRepos. Two of these items of information will be the same for any data item retrieved from our Dataverse Collection and are the Dataverse Collection identifier (which for us is “openmind”) and the server on which the containing Dataverse Installation is hosted (in our case “”). The one item of information that will vary based on your requirements is the name / identifier (DOI) of the Dataverse Dataset from which we wish to retrieve data. In this example we are using the DOI for the “Synthetic (fake) youth mental health datasets and data dictionaries” Dataverse Dataset.

X <- Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "openmind",
                    dv_server_1L_chr = "",
                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "")

Having supplied the details of where the data is stored we can now ingest the data we are interested in. We can either ingest all R object in the selected Dataverse Dataset or just objects that we specify. By default R objects are ingested along with their metadata, but we can choose not to ingest the metadata.

3.2.3 Ingest all R objects from a Dataverse Dataset along with its metadata

To ingest all R objects in the dataset, we enter the following command.

Y <- ingest(X)

We can now create separate list objects for the ingested data and its metadata.

data_ls <- procureSlot(Y,"b_Ready4useIngest@objects_ls")
meta_ls <- procureSlot(Y,"a_Ready4usePointer@b_Ready4useRepos@dv_ds_metadata_ls$ds_ls")

We can itemise the data objects we have ingested with the following command.

#> [1] "ymh_clinical_dict_r3" "ymh_clinical_tb"      "eq5d_ds_dict"         "eq5d_ds_tb"           "ymh_phq_gad_tb"

We can also see what metadata fields we have ingested.

#>  [1] "id"                  "datasetId"           "datasetPersistentId" "storageIdentifier"   "versionNumber"       "versionMinorNumber"  "versionState"        "lastUpdateTime"      "releaseTime"         "createTime"         
#> [11] "publicationDate"     "citationDate"        "termsOfUse"          "fileAccessRequest"   "metadataBlocks"      "files"

There can be a lot of useful information contained in this metadata list object. For example, we can retrieve descriptive information about the Dataverse Dataset from which we have ingested data.

#> [1] "The datasets in this collection are entirely fake. They were developed principally to demonstrate the workings of a number of utility scoring and mapping algorithms. However, they may be of more general use to others. In some limited cases, some of the included files could be used in exploratory simulation based analyses. However, you should read the metadata descriptors for each file to inform yourself of the validity and limitations of each fake dataset. To open the RDS format files included in this dataset, the R package ready4use needs to be installed (see ). It is also recommended that you install the youthvars package ( as this provides useful tools for inspecting and validating each dataset."

The metadata also contains descriptive information on each file in the Dataverse Dataset.

#> [1] "Synthetic (fake) population of young people with EQ-5D item responses, psychological distress and well-being and demographic variables. NOTE: This dataset was generated purely for the purposes of demonstrating generalised applications of utility scoring and utility mapping algorithms that we developed. It is not in any meaningful way representative of the likely true population distributions of its included variables. For this reason, it cannot be used as an input for any model designed to inform decision making."

3.2.4 Ingest all R objects from a Dataverse Dataset without metadata

If we wished to ingest only the R objects without metadata, we could have simply run the following command.

data_2_ls <- ingest(X,
                    metadata_1L_lgl = F)

We can see that this ingest is identical to that made using the previous method.

identical(data_ls, data_2_ls)
#> [1] TRUE

3.2.5 Ingest selected R objects

If we only want to ingest one specific object, we can supply its name.

ymh_clinical_tb <- ingest(X,
                          fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb"),
                          metadata_1L_lgl = F)

The output from an object specific call to the ingest method is the requested object.

ymh_clinical_tb %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 43
#>   fkClientID    round    d_interview_date d_age d_gender d_sex_birth_s d_sexual_ori_s d_ATSI d_country_bir_s d_english_home d_english_native d_studying_working  d_relation_s s_centre c_p_diag_s c_clinical_staging_s k6_total phq9_total bads_total
#>   <chr>         <fct>    <date>           <int> <chr>    <chr>         <fct>          <chr>  <chr>           <chr>          <chr>            <chr>               <chr>        <chr>    <chr>      <chr>                   <int>      <int>      <int>
#> 1 Participant_1 Baseline 2020-03-22          14 Male     Male          Heterosexual   No     Australia       Yes            Yes              Not studying or wo… In a relati… Southpo… Other      0-1a                        8          7         96
#> 2 Participant_2 Baseline 2020-06-15          19 Female   Female        Heterosexual   Yes    Other           No             No               Studying only       In a relati… Regiona… Anxiety    0-1a                       13         13         63
#> 3 Participant_3 Baseline 2020-08-20          21 Female   Female        Other          NA     NA              NA             NA               Studying only       Not in a re… Canberra Anxiety    1b                         12         17         72
#> 4 Participant_4 Baseline 2020-05-23          12 Female   Female        Heterosexual   Yes    Other           No             No               Not studying or wo… In a relati… Southpo… Depressio… 2-4                        17         17         75
#> 5 Participant_5 Baseline 2020-04-05          19 Male     Male          Heterosexual   Yes    Other           No             No               Not studying or wo… Not in a re… Southpo… Depressio… 0-1a                       12         22         82
#> 6 Participant_6 Baseline 2020-06-09          19 Male     Male          Heterosexual   Yes    Other           No             No               Studying only       In a relati… Regiona… Anxiety    1b                         11          8        105
#> # ℹ 24 more variables: gad7_total <int>, oasis_total <int>, scared_total <int>, c_sofas <int>, aqol6d_q1 <int>, aqol6d_q2 <int>, aqol6d_q3 <int>, aqol6d_q4 <int>, aqol6d_q5 <int>, aqol6d_q6 <int>, aqol6d_q7 <int>, aqol6d_q8 <int>,
#> #   aqol6d_q9 <int>, aqol6d_q10 <int>, aqol6d_q11 <int>, aqol6d_q12 <int>, aqol6d_q13 <int>, aqol6d_q14 <int>, aqol6d_q15 <int>, aqol6d_q16 <int>, aqol6d_q17 <int>, aqol6d_q18 <int>, aqol6d_q19 <int>, aqol6d_q20 <int>

We can also request to ingest multiple specified objects from a Dataverse Dataset.

data_3_ls <- ingest(X,
                    fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb","ymh_clinical_dict_r3"),
                    metadata_1L_lgl = F)

This last request produces a list of ingested objects.

#> [1] "ymh_clinical_dict_r3" "ymh_clinical_tb"

2.2 - Add a data dictionary to a dataset

Pairing a dataset with its dictionary makes it easier to interpret. This tutorial describes how a module from the ready4use R package can help you to pair a dataset and its dictionary.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4use library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making.

ready4use includes a number of tools for labeling health economic model data and forms part of the ready4 framework.

Create a dataset-dictionary pair

A data dictionary contains useful metadata about a dataset. To illustrate this point, we can ingest examples of a toy (fake) dataset and its data-dictionary.

objects_ls <- Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                    dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
  ingest(metadata_1L_lgl = F)

Importantly (and a requirement for subsequent steps), the data dictionary we ingest is a ready4use_dictionary object.

#> [1] "ready4use_dictionary" "ready4_dictionary"    "tbl_df"               "tbl"                  "data.frame"

We can now pair the data dictionary with its dataset in a new object X, a Ready4useDyad.

X <- Ready4useDyad(ds_tb = objects_ls$eq5d_ds_tb,
                   dictionary_r3 = objects_ls$eq5d_ds_dict)

Inspect data

We can inspect X by printing selected information about it to console using the exhibit method. If we only wish to see the first or last few records, we can pass “head” or “tail” to the display_1L_chr argument.

         display_1L_chr = "head",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
uid Timepoint data_collection_dtm d_age Gender d_sex_birth_s d_sexual_ori_s d_relation_s d_ATSI CALD Region d_studying_working eq5dq_MO eq5dq_SC eq5dq_UA eq5dq_PD eq5dq_AD K10_int Psych_well_int
1 BL 2019-10-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual In a relationship No No Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 1 2 11 87
2 BL 2019-10-17 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 1 2 1 1 1 14 65
2 FUP 2020-02-14 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 3 1 1 1 1 10 71
3 BL 2020-02-15 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 3 1 1 13 74
3 FUP 2020-06-14 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 2 1 1 10 64
4 BL 2019-12-14 12 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 3 1 18 40

The dataset may be more meaningful if variables are labelled using the descriptive information from the data dictionary. This can be accomplished using the renew method.

X <- renew(X,
           type_1L_chr = "label")
        display_1L_chr = "head",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Unique identifier Data collection round Date of data collection Age Gender (grouped) Sex at birth Sexual orientation Relationship status Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Region of residence (metropolitan or regional) Education and employment status EQ5D - Mobility domain score EQ5D - Self-Care domain score EQ5D - Usual Activities domain score EQ5D - Pain / Discomfort domain score EQ5D - Anxiety / Depression domain score Kessler Psychological Distress - 10 Item Total Score Overall Wellbeing Measure (Winefield et al. 2012)
1 BL 2019-10-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual In a relationship No No Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 1 2 11 87
2 BL 2019-10-17 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 1 2 1 1 1 14 65
2 FUP 2020-02-14 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 3 1 1 1 1 10 71
3 BL 2020-02-15 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 3 1 1 13 74
3 FUP 2020-06-14 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 2 1 1 10 64
4 BL 2019-12-14 12 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 3 1 18 40

To remove dataset labels, use the renew method with “unlabel” passed to the type_1L_chr argument.

X <- renew(X,
           type_1L_chr = "unlabel")

By default, the exhibit method will print the dataset part of the Ready4useDyad instance. To inspect the data dictionary, pass “dict” to the type_1L_chr argument.

        display_1L_chr = "head",
        type_1L_chr = "dict",
        scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Data Dictionary
Variable Category Description Class
CALD demographic Culturally And Linguistically Diverse factor
d_age demographic age integer
d_ATSI demographic Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander character
d_relation_s demographic relationship status character
d_sex_birth_s demographic sex at birth character
d_sexual_ori_s demographic sexual orientation factor

2.3 - Share data via online repositories

The retrieval and dissemination of data from online data repositories is an essential enabler of open source modelling. This tutorial describes how a module from the ready4use R package can help you to manage this process.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4use library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making.

ready4use includes a number of tools for sharing health economic model data that forms part of the ready4 framework.

Identify data to be shared

To illustrate how to share data using ready4use classes and methods, we will first need some data to publish. In this example, we are going to share X, a Ready4useDyad (a data structure explained in another vignette) that we can create using data ingested from an online repository.

objects_ls <- ingest(Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                                    dv_server_1L_chr = "",
                                    gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4",
                                    gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0"),
                     fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb","ymh_clinical_dict_r3"),
                     metadata_1L_lgl = F)
X <- Ready4useDyad(ds_tb = objects_ls$ymh_clinical_tb,
                   dictionary_r3 = objects_ls$ymh_clinical_dict_r3) %>%

Share data

We now specify where we plan to publish X in Y, a Ready4useRepos object (described in another vignette). Note, you must have write permissions to the repositories you specify in this step. The values entered in this example (the dataset from the fakes dataverse will not work for you).

Y <- Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes", # Replace with values for a dataverse & dataset for which
                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "", #  you have write permissions.
                    dv_server_1L_chr = "")

We can now upload X to our preferred data repository using the share method. By default, if more than one data repository was specified in Y, then the dataverse repository will be preferred when sharing. We can overwrite this default by passing either “prefer_gh” or “all” values to the type_1L_chr argument. The Ready4useDyad object is now available for download at

Y <- share(Y,
           obj_to_share_xx = X,
           fl_nm_1L_chr = "ymh_clinical_dyad_r4",
           description_1L_chr = "An example of a Ready4useDyad - a dataset (clinical youth mental health, AQoL-6D) and data dictionary pair. Note this example uses fake data.")

3 - Using model modules for repeatable analyses

The ready4 framework provides tools to support the authoring of programs and subroutines to run and report analyses with ready4.

3.1 - Commands for using model modules

Apply model modules using a simple and consistent syntax.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4show library. You can use the following links to:


To be used in health economic analyses, model modules need to be called using a programming syntax. Ideally that syntax should be relatively simple, with the name and description of each command reliably communicating the category of operations it performs.


ready4 provides a simple syntax that is used by all model modules developed with the ready4 framework.


A table that itemises ready4 commands along with examples of how these commands are used can be ingested from a periodically updated database using get_methods_tb. In the below example we will search for examples of where that syntax has been used by modules from the readyforwhatsnext model. The value supplied to the gh_repo_1L_chr argument specifies the repository in which a dataset of readyforwhatsnext module libraries is stored.

x <- get_methods_tb(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4")

Core commands

A HTML table of ready4’s core commands and examples of the use of each command can be displayed using the print_methods function, using the return_1L_chr = "core" argument.

              return_1L_chr = "core",
              scroll_width_1L_chr = "100%") 
Method Purpose Examples
author Author and save files 5 , 6, 7 , 16 , 17
characterize Characterize model module data by generating (tabular) descriptive statistics
depict Depict (plot) features of model module data 13, 14 , 15
enhance Enhance a model module by adding new elements
exhibit Exhibit features of model module data by printing them to the R console 2 , 5 , 6, 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20
ingest Ingest data 1 , 2 , 3 , 6, 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18
investigate Investigate solutions to an inverse problem 16 , 17
manufacture Manufacture a new object
metamorphose Metamorphose a model module to a model module of a different (non-inheriting) class 17
procure Procure items from a dataset 5, 17
prognosticate Prognosticate (make predictions) by solving a forward problem
ratify Ratify that input or output data meet validity criteria 13, 17 , 19 , 20
reckon Reckon (calculate) a value
renew Renew (update) values 1 , 2 , 13, 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 19 , 20
share Share data via an online repository 1 , 13, 14 , 15 , 16

Applying commands to module “slots”

Each of the “core” commands also has a “slot” version, which applies the command to a specified slot (a named element of a module). Two of these “slot” methods can also be used for additional purposes:

  • procureSlot is a “getter” method - its default behaviour is to return the value of a specified slot. If the argument use_procure_mthd_1L_lgl = T is included in the method call, procureSlot will instead apply the procure method to a specified slot.

  • renewSlot is a “setter” method - if any value other than “use_renew_mthd” (the default) is passed to the new_val_xx argument, that value will be assigned to the specified slot.

A HTML table of slot commands and relevant examples can be displayed using the print_methods function, using the return_1L_chr = "slot" argument.

              return_1L_chr = "slot",
              scroll_width_1L_chr = "100%")
Method Purpose Examples
authorSlot Apply the author method to a model module slot
characterizeSlot Apply the characterize method to a model module slot
depictSlot Apply the depict method to a model module slot
enhanceSlot Apply the enhance method to a model module slot
exhibitSlot Apply the exhibit method to a model module slot 4, 17 , 19 , 20
ingestSlot Apply the ingest method to a model module slot
investigateSlot Apply the investigate method to a model module slot
manufactureSlot Apply the manufacture method to a model module slot
metamorphoseSlot Apply the metamorphose method to a model module slot
procureSlot Procure (get) data from a slot 4, 14 , 16 , 17
prognosticateSlot Apply the prognosticate method to a model module slot
ratifySlot Apply the ratify method to a model module slot
reckonSlot Apply the reckon method to a model module slot
renewSlot Renew (set) the values of data in a module slot 4, 14 , 17 , 19 , 20
shareSlot Apply the share method to a model module slot

Extended commands

Finally, there are a small number of other commands that are more general extensions of the core commands. Currently, these extended commands are all variants on the author command, with each extension specifying the type of output to be authored by the method. A HTML table of the extended generics bundled with ready4 can be displayed using the print_methods function, using the return_1L_chr = "extended" argument.

              exclude_mthds_for_chr = "Ready4Module",
              return_1L_chr = "extended",
              scroll_width_1L_chr = "100%")
Method Purpose Examples
authorClasses Author and document classes
authorData Author and document datasets 4, 17
authorFunctions Author and document functions
authorReport Author and save a report 4

3.2 - Authoring scientific manuscripts

Tools from the ready4show R package support authoring of scientific summaries of analyses with ready4.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4show library. You can use the following links to:


Open science workflows should ideally span an unbroken chain between data-ingest to production of a scientific summary such as a manuscript. Such extensive workflows provide an explicit means of linking all content in a scientific summary with the analysis that it reports.


ready4show includes a number of classes and methods that help integrate manuscript authoring into a reproducible workflow. These tools are part of the ready4 framework for transparent, reusable and updatable health economic models.

Load required libraries

We first begin by loading the libraries we will require to implement this workflow.

By default, methods in the ready4show package will request your consent before writing files to your machine. This is the safest option. However, as there are many files that need to be written locally for this program to execute, you can overwrite this default by supplying the value “Y” to methods with a consent_1L_chr argument.

consent_1L_chr <- "" # Default value - asks for consent prior to writing each file.

Create a synopsis of the manuscript to be authored

To start with we create X, an instance of Ready4showSynopsis, a ready4 module (S4 class). We can use X to record metadata about the manuscript to be authored (including details about the study being summarised and the title and format of the intended output).

X <- Ready4showSynopsis(background_1L_chr = "Our study is entirely fictional.",
                        coi_1L_chr = "None declared.",
                        conclusion_1L_chr = "These fake results are not interesting.",
                        digits_int = 3L,
                        ethics_1L_chr = "The study was reviewed and granted approval by Awesome University's Human Research Ethics Committee (1111111.1).",
                        funding_1L_chr = "The study was funded by Generous Benefactor.",
                        interval_chr = "three months",
                        keywords_chr = c("entirely","fake","do", "not","cite"),
                        outp_formats_chr = "PDF",
                        sample_desc_1L_chr = "The study sample is fake data that pretends to be young people aged 12 to 25 years who attended Australian primary care services for mental health related needs between November 2019 to August 2020.",
                        title_1L_chr = "A hypothetical study using fake data")

Add authorship details

Authorship details can be added to slots of X that contain ready4show_authors and ready4show_instututes ready4 sub-modules.

As we can see from the below call to exhibitSlot, X was created with no authorship information.

            scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) 
First-name Middle-name Last-name Title Qualifications Institutes Sequence Position Corresponding Email Joint-first

We can add details on each author by repeated calls to the renewSlot method.

X <- renewSlot(X,
          first_nm_chr = "Alejandra",
          middle_nm_chr = "Rocio",
          last_nm_chr = "Scienceace",
          title_chr = "Dr",
          qualifications_chr = "MD, PhD",
          institute_chr = "Institute_A, Institute_B",
          sequence_int = 1,
          is_corresponding_lgl = T,
          email_chr = "") %>%
            first_nm_chr = "Fionn",
            middle_nm_chr = "Seamus",
            last_nm_chr = "Researchchamp",
            title_chr = "Prof",
            qualifications_chr = "MSc, PhD",
            institute_chr = "Institute_C, Institute_B",
            sequence_int = 2,
            email_chr = "") 

The updated authorship table can now be inspected.

X %>%
              scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) 
First-name Middle-name Last-name Title Qualifications Institutes Sequence Position Corresponding Email Joint-first
Alejandra Rocio Scienceace Dr MD, PhD Institute_A, Institute_B 1 TRUE \ NA
Fionn Seamus Researchchamp Prof MSc, PhD Institute_C, Institute_B 2 NA \ NA

We now need to add additional information for each author institute.

X <- renewSlot(X,
          short_name_chr = "Institute_A", 
          long_name_chr = "Awesome University, Shanghai") %>%
            short_name_chr = "Institute_B", 
            long_name_chr = "August Institution, London") %>%
            new_val_xx = "use_renew_mthd",
            short_name_chr = "Institute_C", 
            long_name_chr = "Highly Ranked Uni, Montreal")

The updated institutes table can now be inspected.

X %>%
              scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) 
Reference Name
Institute_A Awesome University, Shanghai
Institute_B August Institution, London
Institute_C Highly Ranked Uni, Montreal

Add correspondences

We can also add a look-up table about any changes we wish to make from the analysis code of how names of variables / parameters are presented in the manuscript text.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               old_nms_chr = c("PHQ9", "GAD7"),
               new_nms_chr = c("PHQ-9", "GAD-7"))

These edits can now be inspected with a call to exhibitSlot.

X %>%
              scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) # Add Exhibit Method
Old name New name

Specify output directory

We now update X with details of the directory to which we wish to write the manuscript we are authoring and all its supporting files.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               new_val_xx = tempdir())

Create dataset of literate programming files

Our next step is to copy a dataset of files that can implement a literate program to generate our manuscript. If you have a template you wish to work with, you can specify its local path using the a_Ready4showPaths@mkdn_source_dir_1L_chr slot of the X. Skip this step if you wish to use the default markdown dataset, which leverages popular rmarkdown toolkits such as bookdown and rticles.

## Not run
# procureSlot(X,
#             "a_Ready4showPaths@mkdn_source_dir_1L_chr",
#             new_val_xx  = "PATH TO MARKDOWN DATASET")

We create the dataset copy with the authorData method.

authorData(X, consent_1L_chr = consent_1L_chr)

Having created a local copy of the template literate program files dataset, it is now possible to manually edit the markdown files to author the manuscript. However, in this example we are skipping this step and will continue to use the unedited template in conjunction with the metadata we have specified in X. We combine the two to author a manuscript using the authorReport method.

authorReport(X, consent_1L_chr = consent_1L_chr)

If we wish, we can now ammend X and then rerun the authorReport method to generate Word and HTML versions of the manuscript.

          new_val_xx = "Word") %>%
  authorReport(consent_1L_chr = consent_1L_chr)
          new_val_xx = "HTML") %>%
  authorReport(consent_1L_chr = consent_1L_chr)

The outputed files are as follows: